This 1932 election poster, Mutter Berufstaetige Frauen (“Mothers - Working Women”), depicts three women -- a white collar worker, a blue collar worker, and a mother holding a baby. It uses a “bandwagon” approach, in which German mothers and working women in the poster appeal to the counterparts by stating, “We are voting National Socialists [Nazi].” In 1932, Germany was a democracy where citizens had access to diverse sources of information and the Nazis actively competed with other political parties for support and votes. [Source: Bundesarchiv Koblenz]
Targets desired audiences
Women constituted the majority of German voters in 1932. They were such an important voting bloc that the Nazis, as well as all German political parties, made a concerted effort to appeal to women. The Nazis had to repackage their messages to de-emphasize military aims. Nazi propagandists attempted to win over newly-enfranchised women voters by portraying the party as the defender of traditional German womanhood, the family, and Christianity.
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